
Devices for domestic use

Can anyone produce colloidal silver?

Devices for home use – some websites advertise that anyone can use them to make their own colloidal silver cheaply. Basically, anyone can make colloidal silver, just like anyone could build their own airplane. But we’d rather leave that to the specialists, right?

Devices for home use – a really cheap alternative?

What do most providers really want? They want to sell some kind of product and rarely think about the health of their customers. They offer all sorts of things. There is also the problem of ppm concentration and dosage, because the black sheep of the industry copy or plagiarize instructions or tables from others for the sake of simplicity, but do not necessarily replicate their useful devices exactly. Our device is equipped with the latest microtechnology. It first checks whether all the important parameters are present and then switches itself off at the desired ppm number.

It is not the more silver (higher ppm number), but the smaller the particles that turn out during production that is important!

A high-quality casing alone does not guarantee a quality product. A cheap-looking casing should set off alarm bells. You should also take a close look at what the device manufacturers publish on their websites and study it thoroughly. The main differences between the devices are the type and level of the electrode voltage. Direct current is predominantly used, less often pulsating direct current or rectangular alternating current. According to SELV (standard for extra-low voltage), the permissible voltage is 60 volts for direct current and 25 volts for alternating current. A current limit is essential. We use a pulsed electrolysis process to produce our products so that we can offer you a quality product.

If a distributor recommends producing colloidal silver with “tap or even mineral water”, or if he recommends “adding salts”, then you have reached the lowest level of expertise. This in itself is a blatant disregard for basic physical and chemical knowledge. Absolutely avoid it! From a general and scientific point of view, this produces toxic silver salts. In any case, however, colloidal silver should only be produced with distilled water (we use bidist – i.e. double distilled – water) and pure silver. Foreign substances contained in mineral or tap water do not belong in it, nor do salts.

Electronics retailers also sell solid silver wires for technical purposes, but we strongly advise against this. They do not have the required purity of 99.99% = 9999. The same applies to dental and jewelry silver (our silver bars have a purity of 99.999%).

Many devices also produce silver particles that are far too large! A positive effect then becomes increasingly unlikely.

The parameters we believe to be most important for the production of high-purity colloidal silver are not queried at all, let alone taken into account:

– Temperature control during production

– Pulsed electrolysis process

– Control of water quality

– Microtechnologically coordinated silver concentration (10 ppm or 9.944 mg/L)

– 99.999% purity of the silver electrodes

Why this is IMPORTANT, read here.

Would you like to learn more about Silverlin’s examples of use? Call us!

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